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More Congratulatory Messages to Mark Independence Celebrations

August 7, 2008

The Full Story

Congratulatory messages have been coming in on the occasion of Jamaica’s celebration of its 46th Independence anniversary.
Cuba’s President, Raul Castro Ruz, has sent a message to Prime Minister Golding and the people of Jamaica, extending his warmest congratulations to Jamaica on the occasion of the 46th Independence anniversary. President Castro said he is renewing his country’s resolve, to continue working to strengthen the relations of friendship and co-operation between both countries.
The Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, through the High Commission of India in Jamaica, has also extended his country’s congratulations to Prime Minister Golding and the people of Jamaica.
In his message, the Indian Prime Minister noted that relations between India and Jamaica have traditionally been warm and friendly and he said he is confident that through joint efforts, co-operation will continue to deepen in the years ahead.

Last Updated: August 7, 2008

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