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More Beds at KPH

By: , January 27, 2016

The Key Point:

Bed capacity at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) has been increased by 28, following the official opening of the $59 million expanded William Ward, today (January 27).
More Beds at KPH
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Dalley (right), and Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Natalie Whylie (left), celebrate after the official opening of the $59 million expanded William Ward, at the Kingston Public Hospital, today (January 27). Looking on are other officials of the Ministry and the hospital.

The Facts

  • The Minister implored staff to perform their duties with diligence, and to remember that they are serving their fellow citizens.
  • Funding for the expansion work was provided by the National Health Fund (NHF).

The Full Story

Bed capacity at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) has been increased by 28, following the official opening of the $59 million expanded William Ward, today (January 27).

Improvement work  has also been carried out on other wards, including roof repairs, steel work, plumbing, electrical work, painting, flooring, tiling, repairs to windows and doors, and installation of bathroom fixtures and fans, as well as repairs to the sewerage system.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Dalley, informed that challenges facing health records at the institution is being worked on. “We have to correct the problem with the medical records, and that is one of the commitments that I am making today,” the Minister said.

“No modern, civilized society can operate where the records of  the health of our citizens cannot be located, and properly accounted for,” he said.

The Minister implored staff to perform their duties with diligence, and to remember that they are serving their fellow citizens.

Mr. Dalley also told the gathering that he is not satisfied with the waiting area at the hospital, and pledged to improve the area.

The occasion was also used to launch the hospital’s 240th anniversary celebrations. During the year, several fora will be staged to sensitize the public on the many services that it offers, its achievements, and to recognize staff and stakeholders for their contribution to the continued building of the institution.

Funding for the expansion work was provided by the National Health Fund (NHF).

The KPH is the primary health care facility in Kingston, and has a mission to: provide high quality preventative, curative, diagnostic, emergency and rehabilitative care to all; provide opportunities for training, clinical experience, and research for all health professionals; provide information to the community to promote healthy lifestyles; establish and maintain linkages with other agencies and health facilities to enhance the quality of health care to the nation.

Last Updated: January 27, 2016

Jamaica Information Service