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Money and Jobs Alone Cannot Transform Our Society…PM Golding

July 30, 2009

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding, has called for society to understand that money alone will not solve the nation’s problems.
“We make the mistake so often of believing that our problems are due to resource limitations…that somehow if we had the resources so that we could stop borrowing and we could fix the roads and provide assistance for all the people who are looking for assistance, then somehow our country will be on a path to prosperity…”
Speaking at the launch of the National Transformation Programme at Kings House yesterday morning, (July 29) Mr. Golding said: “There are things that we need to do that cannot come out of legislation or by Government policy direction… It has to come from a consensus that emerges from our people that this is where we want to go and this is how we want to get there…We need to address those deficiencies that affect us as a people; how we live, how we think, how we treat each other, how we relate in our communities.”

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding is welcomed by convener of the National Transformation Programme Rev. Al Miller and Permanent Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister, Patricia Sinclair Mc Calla on his arrival at Kings House on July 29 for the launch of Fresh Start Jamaica which calls for a commitment to improve personal behaviour and volunteerism for community development. The launch was held at Kings House on July 29.

The Prime Minister said the society needs to be transformed so that positive change can happen. “A critical, fundamental part of the recipe for success is going to be how do we transform the society so that we have the capacity to develop …We are going to have to create a spirit that has all the elements of evangelism. It has to be something that is so inspiring, that is so enveloping that we are going to be caught up in it.”
Supporting the move, Governor-General His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, recalled the many sincere attempts to address national issues and urged continued change saying, “We know that Jamaicans have an indomitable spirit that allows us to come together when it really matters.”
NTP convener Rev Al Miller said Jamaica is ripe for positive change. “We have partners from various sectors who are signed up and are ready for work. We have technology to serve you and keep you connected. We have the support and commitment of our Government and of course we need your support…I believe this partnership represented here today of Church, State, Private Sector and Civil Society committing to work together to achieve the common goal of National Transformation, is the dawn of a new day.”
Representing the Church, General Secretary of the Jamaica Council of Churches (JCC) Rev. Gary Harriott said he would be promoting the aims of the NTP through the Church of God movement and their role would be to emphasize moral values.

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding greets Bishop Herro Blair when he gave his support to the launch of the National Transformation Programme’s Fresh Start Jamaica which calls for a commitment to improve personal behaviour and volunteerism for community development. The launch was held at Kings House on July 29.

Chief Executive Officer of the Council of Voluntary and Social Services (CVSS), Winsome Wilkins, noted that volunteerism would play an important role in the transformation process. President of the Private Sector of Jamaica (PSOJ), Joseph M. Matalon, said that it was important that workers feel dignified in their work and all employees should be treated with sensitivity and be duly recognised.
The National Transformation Programme, branded “Fresh Start Jamaica” is supported by socio-economic interventions to trigger a transformation process for all Jamaicans. Its focus is on moral, social and economic interventions and the inculcating of values and attitudes necessary for individual prosperity, community development and the sustainable growth of our national economy.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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