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Miss Lou Tribute for South Florida

August 8, 2007

The Full Story

The second annual community cultural tribute and scholarship fundraiser honouring the life and legacy of the late Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley (Miss Lou) will be held on September 7 at the Sierra Norwood Calvary Baptist Church in North Miami.
The function, which will be held under the patronage of Consul General to Miami, Ricardo Allicock, will also mark Miss Lou’s 87th birthday.
Proceeds from this event, which will feature performances in song, dance and drama, will go towards the Louise Bennett-Coverley Scholarship Fund. The award is tenable at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston. Two students from the Edna Manley School of Drama were the recipients of the first scholarships presented last November.
According to Norma Darby, Director of the Florida-based Jamaica Folk Revue, Miss Lou, throughout her life and career, made immeasurable contributions to Jamaica’s cultural development and left a legacy, which has given to all a sense of dignity, authenticity and pride in the country’s heritage and culture.
She encouraged the South Florida community to join in celebrating the legacy of the late cultural icon, noting that the event will include performances from dub poet, Malachi Smith; Jeanne Powell (South Florida’s Miss Lou); the Sierra Norwood Baptist Church “Ring Ding” choir; Sophie Nicholson, poet; Tallawah Mento Band; Jamaica Folk Revue, among others.
Miss Lou died last July in Toronto, Canada where she had resided for more than a decade. She was 86 years old.
The cultural icon had an illustrious career as a poet, playwright, comedienne, actor, lyricist and actor. She was also the recipient of several international and national awards and accolades throughout her career.

Last Updated: August 8, 2007

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