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Ministry of Youth and Culture Appoints New Culture Head

By: , November 25, 2013

The Key Point:

Ms. Harris fills the position vacated by Mr. Sydney Bartley, who was appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry earlier this year.

The Facts

  • As Principal Director of Culture Ms. Harris will provide leadership for the operations of the Culture and Creative Industries Division of the Ministry.
  • She will also manage, support and promote local and international programmes to enhance Jamaica’s culture and heritage.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Youth and Culture has announced the appointment of playwright, artistic director, actress, broadcaster, communications practitioner and marketing specialist, Ms. Dahlia Harris as Principal Director of Culture effective November 15. Ms. Harris fills the position vacated by Mr. Sydney Bartley, who was appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry earlier this year.

Ms. Harris is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, where she pursued a double major in mass communications and literature. She is currently completing a Masters degree at the UWI focusing on the Hon. Louise Bennett Coverley and her contribution to the social constructionism of post-Independence Jamaica.

As Principal Director of Culture Ms. Harris will provide leadership for the operations of the Culture and Creative Industries Division of the Ministry, which is responsible for culture-related research, the development of cultural policy, cultural industries policy and its implementation, and for the management and development of activities within the Jamaican arts, heritage and cultural industries sector.

She will also manage, support and promote local and international programmes to enhance Jamaica’s culture and heritage at home and abroad to the country’s economic advantage, while positioning Jamaica’s cultural products and services in the global market place and promoting Brand Jamaica. The Principal Director of Culture will also oversee the planning and management of special projects and events related to the commemoration of anniversaries on the national cultural calendar such as: National Heroes Day, Reggae Month, Emancipation and Independence celebrations etc. The monitoring of the operations of the cultural agencies which fall under the Ministry and the promotion of, and participate in, regional and international cultural exchanges with a view to positioning Jamaica within the leadership of international cultural cooperation, will also fall under the purview of the Principal Director of Culture.

Ms. Harris is a member of the Board of the Creative Production and Training Centre, and the Entertainment Advisory Board of the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment where she serves as Chairman of the Performing Arts Committee. She is the recipient of several awards for her work in the areas of entertainment and culture.

Last Updated: November 25, 2013

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