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Ministry to Establish Issues Registry to Assist Exporters

September 18, 2010

The Full Story

Government, through the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, will be moving soon to establish an ‘Issues Registry’, to address all concerns affecting exporters, in order to empower them to be more competitive and to earn more foreign exchange.
Speaking with JIS News at the close of the second Exporters Forum, held at Hotel Riu, in Montego Bay, on September 16, Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Hon. Karl Samuda, said the Government was committed to supporting and assisting investors as they do their part to help grow the economy.
“We have taken note of all their comments, concerns and questions and we have decided that we are going to establish an issues register that will highlight all the difficulties that they are experiencing, so that the next time we meet with them, we would be able to have actions taken and results achieved on at least 80 per cent of the issues they raised,” Mr. Samuda said.
The Minister noted that the large turnout at the forum was a clear manifestation of the efforts being put into growing the economy by small and conscientious businesses, which are determined to invest their money in Jamaica, adding that the participants were more than twice the number that attended the first forum at Caymanas, St. Catherine, a few months ago.
“The level of participation was very high and the questions were penetrating and seemed to have been focused in the right direction, and we are going to take all that information, collate it and work on solving the problems and challenges, and see to what extent we can facilitate the various sectors to grow and become more competitive,” Mr. Samuda said.
The forum was organised by JAMPRO under the theme: ‘Let’s Talk Exports’. The third forum is slated to be held in Portland.

Last Updated: August 14, 2013

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