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Minister Samuda’s Parliamentary Tribute to Lady Bustamante

July 31, 2009

The Full Story

Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Hon. Karl Samuda, has described Lady Bustamante as a quiet, but focussed individual.
In his tribute in Parliament earlier this week, he said: “She was devoted to the ideals that she fought for with Sir Alexander Bustamante. Lady Bustamante was perhaps one of the calmest persons I’ve known. Even when she gave expressions of disregard for a person’s behaviour, she never reacted in a loud unruly fashion,” he commented.
Mr. Samuda added that Lady Bustamante and Sir Alexander Bustamante carried together a sense of understanding of what it meant and means to be Jamaican. He noted that she was the rock on which the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union and the Jamaica Labour Party have stood and will continue to stand.
“Her memory is indelibly etched in the minds of those who knew her or came to know of her. I dare say all Jamaicans embraced Lady Bustamante as a true heroine of this nation,” the Minister said.
Lady Bustamante died on July 25, at age 97. She will be given an official funeral on Saturday, August 8.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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