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Minister of Health Appeals to Citizens to Assist with Zika Preparations

By: , January 7, 2016

The Key Point:

Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Dalley is appealing to Jamaicans to assist with zika virus preparations by taking measures to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and protect themselves from mosquito bites.

The Facts

  • The zika virus is spread in the same way as chikungunya and dengue and via the same mosquito – the Aedes aegypti.
  • Persons should also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellent containing DEET, IR3535 or Icaridin, sleeping under a mosquito net, putting mesh on windows and doors and wearing long sleeved clothing where possible.

The Full Story

Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Dalley is appealing to Jamaicans to assist with zika virus preparations by taking measures to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and protect themselves from mosquito bites.

He says the Ministry of Health continues its heightened activities as it prepares for the possible introduction of the zika virus but citizens must play a part in reducing the spread of mosquito borne diseases generally and the zika virus specifically if and when it is introduced into Jamaica.

“Given that the virus has been spreading across the Region of the Americas with local spread in thirteen (13) countries now, as citizens we all must take our responsibility seriously with respect to cleaning up our environment, destroying mosquito breeding sites and protecting against bites,” Minister Dalley said.

The zika virus is spread in the same way as chikungunya and dengue and via the same mosquito – the Aedes aegypti.

Persons can destroy mosquito breeding sites by looking for anything around the home, school, churches and business places that may collect water and either cover it, keep it dry or dispose of it. Repair leaking pipes and outdoor faucets, cut the grass short and trim shrubbery, clear roof gutters and eaves to prevent water from settling and fill in and drain any low places in the yard such as areas where there are usually puddles when it rains.

Persons should also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellent containing DEET, IR3535 or Icaridin, sleeping under a mosquito net, putting mesh on windows and doors and wearing long sleeved clothing where possible.

Individuals who wish to obtain more information may call the Ministry of Health or the nearest health centre. Persons may also visit our website at moh.gov.jm and like and follow us on www.facebook.com/themohgovjm; https://twitter.com/themohgovjm; https://instagram.com/themohgovjm.

Last Updated: January 7, 2016

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