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Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade Reaffirms Government’s Commitment to Human Rights

December 11, 2008

The Full Story

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. Dr. Kenneth Baugh, has reiterated the government’s commitment to the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights even while paying attention to the protection of civil and political rights.
Minister Baugh was declaring open this morning (Wednesday) at the Foreign Ministry, an exhibition to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Today was also Human Rights Day.
The Minister noted that sixty years since the Declaration, much remained to be done. The exhibition, organized by the Ministry in collaboration with the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO, was intended to draw attention to how we can come together to ensure the implementation no the Declaration. This was an objective to which Jamaica had traditionally given support, Dr. Baugh said, citing the late Hugh Shearer’s initiative which had led to the UN endorsing the idea for the designation of 1968 as the International Year of Human Rights to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration.
“We are proud of the tradition and we are committed to improving the situation of human rights as both the national and international levels.
“As part of this endeavour we will continue to work towards giving increased and equal attention to not only protection of civil and political rights but also to the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights.
“Jamaica is of the firm conviction that while attention must be given to issues regarding the right to life and equality before the law, attention should also be given to education, the right to work, and the right to an adequate standard of living. The Government of Jamaica is unwavering in its commitment in this regard,” Dr. Baugh declared as he encouraged everyone to assist in the process to ensure that all human rights are fully respected and protected.
Greetings were brought by H.E. Filomena Navarro Tavarez, Vice Dean of the Diplomatic Corps; and Dr. Kwame Boafo, Director UNESCO Caribbean Office.
Choc’late Allen youth activist and entertainer as well as the New day Primary and Junior High School also performed.
Ambassador Vilma McNish, Under-Secretary, Multilateral Affairs Division, in the Foreign Ministry extended welcome while Mrs. Norma Taylor Roberts, Director of the International Organizations Department in the Ministry, presided.

Last Updated: December 11, 2008

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