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Minister Hanna Refers JFJ Manual to Attorney General and Children’s Advocate

By: , June 18, 2014

The Key Point:

The Minister of Youth and Culture, the Hon. Lisa Hanna, MP has referred to the attention of the Children’s Advocate and the Attorney General, the manuals used by the group Jamaicans for Justice.
Minister Hanna Refers JFJ Manual to Attorney General and Children’s Advocate
Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna (right), addresses journalists during a press briefing held at her New Kingston offices on Wednesday, January 15. Also pictured (from left) are: Acting Chief Executive Officer, Child Development Agency, Rosalee Gage-Grey; and Children’s Adviser in the Ministry, Sadie Keating. (FILE)

The Facts

  • Minister Hanna asked for legal opinions on the actions taken by JFJ and the administrators of the homes in question.
  • Minister Hanna asked to be advised on what legal recourse is available to the Ministry and/or CDA under the circumstances.

The Full Story

The Minister of Youth and Culture, the Hon. Lisa Hanna, MP has referred to the attention of the Children’s Advocate and the Attorney General, the manuals used by the group Jamaicans for Justice in its unauthorised sexual education programme that was implemented in six privately-operated children’s homes.

In her letters to the Attorney General, the Honourable Patrick Atkinson, MP and the Children’s Advocate, Mrs. Diahann Gordon Harrison, Minister Hanna asked for legal opinions on the actions taken by JFJ and the administrators of the homes in question.

Specifically, Minister Hanna asked to be advised on what legal recourse is available to the Ministry and/or CDA under the circumstances.

Minister Hanna is committed to doing all within her power to ensure there is never a recurrence of this breach of the protection of the children in State care from inappropriate content as well as this betrayal of the trust of the children by those employed to look after their best interests.

While she awaits the report of the CDA into the matter, the Minister has given instructions to the Agency to immediately sharpen its monitoring functions. The CDA has been accessing critical information which has aided its investigation.

Last Updated: June 18, 2014

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