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Minister Falconer Challenges Media to Broaden View on Corruption

December 5, 2012

The Full Story

Information Minister, Senator Sandrea Falconer has challenged the media to highlight corruption in every sphere of society and to not limit itself to government and public officials.

This, she said, was not a call to lessen their focus on politicians or the Government, but to broaden the search light. “The Government, of which I am a member, has nothing to fear when it comes to Press scrutiny on issues of corruption. This Government will do everything to facilitate transparency and accountability in public life and welcome the scrutiny of the Press,” Minister Falconer said.

Underscoring the point that corruption was not only to be found in the public sphere, Minister Falconer encouraged the media to take a broad view of corruption which she described as: “A thief of the economic opportunity of the poor,” adding: “In fighting corruption, you are fighting for the future of this country.”  She was speaking today (December 4) at a public forum put on by the Press Association of Jamaica and National Integrity Action at the Knutsford Court Hotel under the theme ‘Fighting the Corruption Scourge’.

Minister Falconer said there were people from the criminal underworld and others in the society with the strength of cash, who in times of tight advertising and sponsorship budgets could use the purse strings to influence media scrutiny. She called on the media to turn the spotlight on all forms of corruption including trafficking and sexual harassment at the workplace where many women were suffering in silence at the hands of corrupt bosses who use their power to exploit them.“I want you in the media to expose them with their pants down,” the Minister concluded.


Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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