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MIND to Launch Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme

October 22, 2015

The Key Point:

The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will launch the first cohort of the Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) on Thursday (October 22).

The Facts

  • The programme involves partnership with the Office of the Services Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Planning.
  • Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry with responsibility for the Public Service, Hon. Horace Dalley, will be the keynote speaker at the launch, which will take place at the Office of the Prime Minister at 6:30 p.m.

The Full Story

The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will launch the first cohort of the Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) on Thursday (October 22).

The programme involves partnership with the Office of the Services Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry with responsibility for the Public Service, Hon. Horace Dalley, will be the keynote speaker at the launch, which will take place at the Office of the Prime Minister at 6:30 p.m.

The PSSLDP is among several initiatives designed and developed by MIND to support leadership development within the public service.

Marketing Manager at MIND, Shawnette Henry, said the objective of the PSSLDP is to create a cadre of public sector senior executives capable of leading public sector modernisation and transformation.
“The programme is an integral part of the Government of Jamaica’s (GoJ) leadership succession strategy, and is geared towards preparing a core of senior officers from which the positions of Permanent Secretaries, Directors General and Chief Executive Officers can be filled,” she explained.

“It is envisioned that through exposure to this programme, public sector leaders will be better equipped to navigate through rapid and discontinuous change, while leveraging the strengths of their teams and creating positive synergistic relationships that inspire collective greatness and allows the service to fervently achieve a collective vision,” she said.

She added that these leaders will be equipped to facilitate the development of a citizen-centered service culture, lead sound policy development, meticulous programme design, conscientious programme implementation and efficient service delivery.

“MIND carries a leadership responsibility for how the public sector develops its human resource capacity and plays a key partnership role in the alignment and implementation of core strategic human resources policies, including employee recruitment and retention, succession planning, and talent and performance management,” Ms. Henry said.


Last Updated: October 22, 2015

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