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Merl Grove Students Receive Scholarships

July 8, 2009

The Full Story

Twelve students of Merl Grove High School, in Kingston, have been awarded the Shakara Harris Scholarship by the Northeastern American Chapter of the Past Students Association, valued at US$3,600.
The scholarships are in honour of Shakara Harris, a student who was killed in 2004, when she was hit by a car while attempting to cross the road in front of the school.
Making the announcement at the Merl Grove High Alumni Association’s Northeastern American Chapter’s Fifth Anniversary Gala on July 4, at the Westminster Banquet Hall in Virginia, President of the Association, Andrea McDonald-Black, said that since the Association’s inception, it has awarded 52 scholarships to needy students at the school valued at US$20,000.
She pointed out that scholarships help with school expenses and there are plans to increase the number of recipients next year. She also used the opportunity to call on the Government to look seriously at constructing an overhead bridge in the vicinity of the school to prevent future tragedies
In her remarks, Chairman of the School Board, Maureen Swaby-Samuels, saluted the Northeastern American Chapter for their hard work and vision in supporting their alma mater, and urged them to continue keeping the Merl Grove flag flying high.
She commended the Association for being instrumental in awarding the scholarships to needy students. “By donating the scholarships, you have shown strong solidarity to the Leadership and Management personnel in this school, in encouraging and upholding academic excellence,” she said.
Mrs. Swaby-Samuels pointed out that in addition to awarding the scholarships, the Association has also donated school supplies and other needed items to the staff and students.
At the reception, Dr. Alfred Sangster was honoured for his service as Chairman of the school Board for almost 50 years. Two former teachers, Zoe Dumas and Shirley Thompson were also recognised for their long service.
Among those attending the gala were Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Anthony Johnson; past student and former Minister of Tourism, Aloun Assamba; President of the Canadian Chapter of Merl Grove High School Past Students Association, Claudette Cameron-Stewart, as well as scores of past students from Canada, Jamaica, and the United States.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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