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Members of the JCF Must Remain Steadfast – Minister Chang

By: , June 26, 2024
Members of the JCF Must Remain Steadfast – Minister Chang
Photo: Dave Reid
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (left), converses with new police recruits at the National Police College of Jamaica at Twickenham Park, St. Catherine, on Tuesday (June 25).
Members of the JCF Must Remain Steadfast – Minister Chang
Photo: Dave Reid
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (centre), inspects new police recruits during their passing out parade at the National Police College of Jamaica at Twickenham Park, St. Catherine, on Tuesday (June 25).

The Full Story

Law enforcement is a noble and satisfying profession, and although challenging at times, members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) must remain steadfast, says Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

Minister Chang, who was delivering the keynote address during the passing out ceremony for 294 new police recruits at the National Police College of Jamaica at Twickenham Park in St. Catherine on Tuesday (June 25), said while the officers will be exposed to all types of pressures and influences, their training and role as agents of good should keep them on the right path.

“Your role is not just a job, it is a calling. As digital natives, you have the opportunity to determine where the Force should go and help to shape the kind of organisation you want for the future,” the Minister told the graduates.

He argued that as young, bright and talented individuals with a penchant for technology, they are uniquely positioned to drive the JCF’s transformation forward, adding that their skills and expertise would be invaluable, as “we continue to modernise and adapt to the challenges of policing in the 21st century.”

“I implore you to employ your training at all times. What you have been exposed to at the Police College is just the beginning, keep evolving in your craft and professional knowledge. Seek in no way, shape or form to damage or impair the good name and reputation of the JCF… the ‘Force for Good’. Understand that your individual growth and success will contribute to the overall development of the Force,” the Minister said.

Dr. Chang, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, indicated that in recent years, some of the very best young people have been recruited to expand the JCF, noting that quality human resource is critical in order to take on today’s criminals who are not only smart and sophisticated, but also heavily resourced.

The Minister also lauded the parents and families of the graduates for their support and sacrifice that have been pivotal in shaping the individuals who are now members of the JCF.

“We thank you for entrusting your loved ones to the JCF and the people of Jamaica,” Dr. Chang said.

Last Updated: June 26, 2024

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