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McGrath High’s Agricultural Fair to Demonstrate Modern Agriculture and Food Processing

February 10, 2009

The Full Story

McGrath High School, Treadways, St Catherine, will hold its first agricultural fair on Thursday, February 12, under the theme ‘Eat What You Grow: Grow What You Eat’.
Principal, Cynthia Anderson told JIS News that, as the school is in a farming community, the fair will demonstrate to the community, successful ventures which have been undertaken in modern agriculture and food processing using local produce.
“It will also instill pride in agricultural achievements for students,” she added.
“Students in grades 7-13 are involved in agricultural science, environmental science and home economics and have been working on livestock rearing, green house crop production and hydroponic vegetable growing. They have successfully provided food for the canteen, sale to the wider community, and have borrowed and paid back project loans,” the school principal explained.
She said these projects have taught students money management and responsibility, and have given them practical exposure in many subject areas. Many of the graduates of McGrath High go on to tertiary agricultural institutions, and teaching the subject.
The fair will have on display fresh produce, as well as by-products such as wines, jellies, drinks and cakes. The school will also show-off the results of its piggery, poultry houses and rabbit hutches projects.
Currently, the students manage five acres of citrus and grow and manage sweet potato plots and ornamentals. The school uses ornamental plants for decoration.
They have received assistance under the National School Gardening Programme, and also from the 4-H clubs.
The principal said that for the upcoming agricultural fair, students will be vying for top spots in public speaking, as well as essay and poster competitions, based on the theme ‘Eat What We Grow: Grow What We Eat’.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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