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Mayor of Spanish Town Promises to Take Action Against Shoddy Service

December 16, 2007

The Full Story

Mayor of Spanish Town, Dr. Andrew Wheatley, has promised to take a tough stance against shoddy work and poor service delivery to residents of St. Catherine. “We will no longer be accepting shoddy service for our parishioners. Services that are not delivered will not be paid for. We will be demanding higher standards for our people,” Mayor Wheatley said in his inaugural speech after being installed as Mayor and Chairman of the St. Catherine Parish Council on December 13. The 40-member council was also sworn in at the ceremony held in Spanish Town.
The Mayor also served notice to members of the council, that he will not tolerate frequent absence from the regular monthly and committee meetings and will examine the by-laws, which address the matter of lateness. Dr. Wheatley, who was being returned as Mayor for the second time, further outlined projects for the re-development of Spanish Town, including the promotion of heritage tourism and the establishment of a civic centre. He said that for the wider parish, “we are preparing to deliver general improvement to the overall infrastructure, with emphasis on road improvement. “Councillors will be encouraged to ensure that at least one road in their division is brought up to standard during the first round of divisional allocation from the parochial revenue fund,” he stated. Dr. Wheatley noted that the task ahead is a difficult one, but challenged his colleague councillors to always give of their best. “I ask that we serve with dignity, with pride, humility and honesty and fairness. Let’s lift the bar higher and show that as politicians and elected officials we can deliver, we can serve at a high standard and we are committed to the process of developing Jamaica,” he stated.

Last Updated: December 16, 2007

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