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Manufacturers Urged to Become Risk Takers

May 17, 2007

The Full Story

Dr. Jean Dixon, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Technology, Energy and Commerce, has challenged Jamaica’s manufacturers to become risk takers and embrace opportunities that will grow the economy.
“Today, the major challenge we face is to grow our economy and generate jobs. We must now shake off adjustment fatigue and the illusion of paper profits and begin to adjust in the real economy. We must now boldly become risk takers and embrace opportunity and new enterprise,” she stated.
Dr. Dixon was addressing the Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA) ‘Buy Jamaican, Build Jamaica’ essay competition presentation ceremony held today (May 17) at the JMA’s Duke Street offices in Kingston.
According to the Permanent Secretary, competition has impacted positively, the quality of goods and services, the range of products available and the cost to the consumer, and companies wishing to survive and remain viable must therefore focus on efficiency, cost effectiveness, customer satisfaction and the strict adherence to quality and safety standards.
“Health and environmental requirements play an important role in product development and consumer choice and must be considered in the manufacturing process,” she added.
In the meantime, she endorsed the JMA’s Brand Jamaica initiative, which aims to promote the uniqueness, quality and variety of local goods and services.
She pointed out that there is an extremely high level of international recognition and association with things Jamaican, supported by the country’s outstanding track record on the world stage in fields such as sport, music, film and cuisine.
Citing Walkerswood, Gray’s Pepper Products and Starfish Oils, as examples of local companies that have been able to successfully position themselves in the international market as exclusively Jamaican, Dr. Dixon said that, “these companies realized that in order to be viable, they had to adapt, plan and retool more efficiently and effectively, to produce goods to satisfy a modern sophisticated customer”.
“They realized that technology and a wealth of information, varied product choice and ease of procurement, have turned ordinary customers into demanding beings with a heightened sense of awareness, knowledge and taste,” she stated.

Last Updated: May 17, 2007

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