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Manchester Golden Age Home to Get New Female Ward

By: , January 21, 2017

The Key Point:

The Government has provided some $55 million to build a new ward to house the 43 female residents at the Manchester Golden Age Home.
Manchester Golden Age Home to Get New Female Ward
Photo: Barbara Ellington
Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, speaks with a resident of the Manchester Golden Age Home during a tour of the facility on Friday (Jan. 20). A new female ward is to be built at the facility at a cost of $55 million.

The Facts

  • The sum forms part of the $170 million allocated in the budget for work on three infirmaries across the island. The others are located in Portland and St. Elizabeth. Work began on the infirmary in Portland two months ago.
  • A section of the 10 and a half-acre property was cleared in December for the project, following the demolition of the old structure that was deemed unsafe for habitation.

The Full Story

The Government has provided some $55 million to build a new ward to house the 43 female residents at the Manchester Golden Age Home.

A doctor’s office, nurses’ station and store room are also to be constructed.

The sum forms part of the $170 million allocated in the budget for work on three infirmaries across the island. The others are located in Portland and St. Elizabeth. Work began on the infirmary in Portland two months ago.

Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon.  Desmond McKenzie, who toured the Manchester Golden Age Home on Friday (Jan. 20), informed that the work will be done in two phases.

The first segment, for which $15 million has already been provided, will see the construction of the nurses’ station, doctor’s office and store room over a three-month period.

A section of the 10 and a half-acre property was cleared in December for the project, following the demolition of the old structure that was deemed unsafe for habitation.

The entire project is expected to be completed in 10 months, but Minister McKenzie is hoping that it will be finished earlier.

Solar panels will be installed to cut electricity costs and water harvesting will continue.

Minister McKenzie said his administration is committed to caring for and improving the living conditions of persons for whom the state is responsible.

“In the next financial year, we hope to do more and when this ward is completed, I hope it will be used for the full benefit of those who are less fortunate among us,” he said.


The Manchester Golden Age Home also houses 44 men, some of whom are mentally and physically disabled.

Meanwhile, the Minister pledged to provide an addition $200,000 per month to the  Ebenezer Home located on the same property, which houses mentally ill men.

Discussions are taking place with Health Minister, Hon. Dr. Christopher Tufton to see how similar facilities across the island could be utilised to accommodate persons, who have been abandoned in public hospitals for many years.

Mr. McKenzie was accompanied on the tour by Ministry officials and a team from the Manchester Municipal Corporation.

Last Updated: January 23, 2017

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