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Make Use of Summer Employment – Minister Hanna

By: , July 3, 2013
Make Use of Summer Employment – Minister Hanna
inister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna (3rd right), gives words of advice to participants in this year’s National Youth Service (NYS) Summer Employment Programme, during an orientation session held today (July 2), at the VH Percy Centre, Osbourne Road in Kingston. Sharing in the moment at right is Executive Director, NYS, Melvin Smith.

The Full Story

Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna, is urging participants in this year’s National Youth Service (NYS) Summer Employment Programme to make the best of the opportunity, which they have been afforded.

She noted that it is those, who acquit themselves well at the organisations in which they are placed, will be considered for fulltime placement.

“Do not waste this opportunity… I am begging you. Use your initiative on the job, go the extra mile, stay extra hours, get in early, because at the end of the day, it is not only working Monday to Friday and waiting to get your pay cheque that is important. You must see yourselves as a critical resource to that organisation,” she said.

Ms. Hanna was addressing participants in the programme during an orientation session on Tuesday, July 2, at the VH Percy Centre, Osbourne Road in Kingston.

In his remarks, Executive Director, NYS, Melvin Smith, informed that 4,000 students will be facilitated at organisations across the island.

“When we advertised, we got applications from 7,000 persons and we had capacity for only 4,000, so each of you represents part of a privileged group to be a part of the programme,” he said.

The Government has allocated $57 million to the programme this year, which targets secondary and tertiary level students, age 17 to 24 years.

Participants will be placed in public and private sector organisations for three-week internships during the months of July and August. They will be paid a stipend of $12,000 for the period to assist with expenses for travelling and meals.

During the internships, the participants will be exposed to proper work etiquette, the importance of meeting deadlines, and the general operation of the organisations in which they will be placed.

The orientation sessions, which will be held across the island, are intended to reinforce the importance of strong work ethics and prepare participants to function effectively in a work environment.

During placement, it is expected that participants will practise the values taught during the orientation process and gain meaningful experience, while appreciating the concept of voluntarism.

Contact: Chris Patterson

Last Updated: July 22, 2013

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