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KSAMC Warns Against Mounting Party Posters on Corporate Area Heritage Sites

By: , September 11, 2019

The Key Point:

Promoters mounting party posters on heritage sites across the Corporate Area will soon find themselves in trouble with the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC).
KSAMC Warns Against Mounting Party Posters on Corporate Area Heritage Sites
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams speaking at the monthly meeting of the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) at its downtown Kingston offices on Tuesday (Sept. 10).

The Facts

  • Kingston’s Mayor, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, warned that the KSAMC will be taking strong action if the practice continues.
  • “I want to say to promoters who are guilty of posting on our heritage sites to desist from doing so,” he urged, during the KSAMC’s monthly meeting on Tuesday (September 10), at the Corporation’s office in downtown Kingston.

The Full Story

Promoters mounting party posters on heritage sites across the Corporate Area will soon find themselves in trouble with the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC).

Kingston’s Mayor, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, warned that the KSAMC will be taking strong action if the practice continues.

“I want to say to promoters who are guilty of posting on our heritage sites to desist from doing so,” he urged, during the KSAMC’s monthly meeting on Tuesday (September 10), at the Corporation’s office in downtown Kingston.

“Our heritage sites are of cultural and historic value to us and it cannot be that we see it fit to put up party posters and deface our heritage sites,” he added.

Mayor Williams also warned promoters to ensure that persons putting up posters on their behalf, refrain from mounting them on heritage sites.

“So those promoters who are guilty of that and those who are not aware of it, because they claim that they are not the ones putting up the posters, they must ensure that the persons who are putting up the posters have clear instructions not to put those on our heritage sites.

“If they continue to do so, the Municipality will have no option but to take appropriate actions to protect our heritage sites,” Senator Williams warned.

According to the Mayor, party posters have been seen on the several historic landmarks across the Corporate Area. These include the clock in Cross Roads and the Ward Theatre in downtown Kingston.

“It does not look good, it is not appropriate and it is not in keeping with the industry. The creative industry ought to protect the culture and history of the City of Kingston,” he said, while indicating that he will be raising this issue with the promoters when they meet.

“This practice of just putting up posters all over, anywhere, has to be discontinued,” Senator Williams emphasised.

Last Updated: September 11, 2019

Jamaica Information Service