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Knowledge must constantly be renewed – Senator Nelson

January 31, 2011

The Full Story

Customs Week Observing Excellence

Minister of National Security, the Hon. Dwight Nelson, has underscored the importance of knowledge and its continuous renewal in maintaining relevance to various periods of time.

Addressing the Jamaica Customs bi-annual Information Fair, held in Montego Bay, on Saturday January 29, the National Security Minister expressed the view that the knowledge persons had 20 years ago, which was used in the execution of their duties was in most cases irrelevant today.

He was speaking against the background of the Customs Week theme ‘Knowledge, a Catalyst for Customs Excellence’.

“It is important to ensure that knowledge is renewed because you cannot achieve excellence unless the knowledge that you have is modeled according to the demands of the particular time,” the Minister noted.

He expressed the view that the renewal of knowledge is important in creating, maintaining, and achieving excellence, noting that observance of the week, and the chosen theme, provides “a very timely opportunity to consider policies dealing with administration, and to promote initiatives in strengthening the competencies of the Customs Department, and at the same time to ensure that knowledge is renewed”.

Senator Nelson congratulated the Jamaican Customs Department, noting that it was one of the operational departments that contribute greatly to Jamaica’s development agenda.

He said that the contribution of that department is not limited to the generation of revenue, but that it also is integral to the protection of the country’s borders, the facilitation of commerce, and ensuring internal safety and security.  He further lauded the department for the utilization of modern technology in its operations.

“The government recognises the importance of Customs, and in so doing is seeking to introduce strategies, that will allow for greater efficiency of the operations of the Customs department,” Senator Nelson stated

Meanwhile Commissioner of Customs, Danville Walker, also drew reference to the relevance of the theme, adding that it is very appropriate for the Customs Department, as the aim is always to deliver good customer service, trade facilitation, and protection of the country’s borders. He said knowledge is essential to carrying out these duties while delivering excellent service.


                      JIS REGIONAL OFFICE
                      MONTEGO BAY

Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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