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Kingston Wharves Limited Undertaking $100M Drainage Upgrade

By: , December 5, 2018
Kingston Wharves Limited Undertaking $100M Drainage Upgrade
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Daryl Vaz (second left), in discussion with Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kingston Wharves Limited (KWL), Grantley Stephenson (right), following a tour of sections of the Port of Kingston on Monday (December 3). Listening (from left) are Kingston’s Mayor, Senator Councillor, Delroy Williams, and Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) CEO, Professor Gordon Shirley.

The Full Story

Kingston Wharves Limited (KWL) will be fast-tracking the $100-million upgrade of its drainage system, which is slated to begin in mid-January 2019.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Grantley Stephenson, advised that a collapsed drain and heavy rainfall in October, which flooded several roads in the vicinity of KWL, prompted the entity’s decision.

“We have taken the decision to go ahead with it immediately. We want it completed before we get to the next rainy season, because we cannot endure another (spate of flooding) like we did several weeks ago,” he said.

Mr. Stephenson was speaking to JIS News after accompanying Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Daryl Vaz, on a tour of several areas in the vicinity of KWL and the Kingston Port, where activities are being streamlined to facilitate more seamless business operations, on Monday (December 3).

Mr. Vaz indicated that the National Works Agency (NWA) will be assisting KWL in its efforts, in order to prevent further flooding of the entity’s property.

“More than that, the NWA is conducting a complete drainage plan for the total area, which includes the Tinson Pen (Aerodrome) and surrounding areas. It will take some time (to complete), but KWL should be finished in the first half of next year,” he said.

The work is consistent with an undertaking from Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, in October to take steps to improve the overall drainage system along Marcus Garvey Drive by constructing a structure with features similar to the Sandy Gully.

Kingston Mayor, Senator Councillor, Delroy Williams, has also welcomed and expressed satisfaction with KWL’s plans.

Last Updated: December 5, 2018

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