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JUTC Urges Students to Update Profiles

By: , August 24, 2016

The Key Point:

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) is urging students turning 12 years old to update their Smarter Card profiles, to continue benefiting from concessionary fare rates before the August 28 deadline.
JUTC Urges Students to Update Profiles
Photo: JUTC Bus fleet
Articulated buses that have been procured by the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) to bolster its fleet this year. The buses were taken off the wharf yesterday (August 20). The JUTC plans to roll out an additional 144 buses by the end of the year.

The Facts

  • Children over 11 years old interested in updating their Smarter Card profiles to continue paying the $30 can visit any JUTC location.
  • Those students who do not update their profiles to reflect their age, will be required to pay the adult fare of $100.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) is urging students turning 12 years old to update their Smarter Card profiles, to continue benefiting from concessionary fare rates before the August 28 deadline.

Those children who are under age 11 already pay a reduced bus fare of $30, while the elderly and the disabled are charged $40 when they commute on JUTC buses with the Smarter Cards.

Children over 11 years old interested in updating their Smarter Card profiles to continue paying the $30 can visit any JUTC location.

These include the Spanish Town transport centre, the JUTC office in Greater Portmore, the Half Way Tree Transport Centre and the JUTC office at East Parade in downtown Kingston.

Those students who do not update their profiles to reflect their age, will be required to pay the adult fare of $100.

“Make sure that your profiles are up to date and that you have your Smarter Cards, so when the time comes for Double Day, whenever that is, you have a card that is properly updated and intact, so that you can benefit,” Marketing and Communications Manager of the JUTC, Reginald Allen,  said in an interview with JIS News.

Last Updated: August 24, 2016

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