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Justice Reform Task Force Recommends Increasing Capacity of JTI

June 14, 2007

The Full Story

The Jamaican Justice System Reform Task Force has recommended that the capacity of the Justice Training Institute (JTI) should be enhanced to provide increased training to personnel in the justice system.
This is contained in the final report of the Task Force, which was presented to Justice Minister, Senator A.J. Nicholson recently, after nine months of research and public consultation on the state of the country’s justice system.
“Ongoing and continuous training is an integral part of the justice system reform,” the report stated.The report noted further, that while the JTI is doing excellent work, it will need “increased capacity to play the central role in the reform efforts.”
According to the document, the institute should be provided with more resources, specialization should also be encouraged, and collaboration should be done with other justice training institutes overseas, including the National Judicial Institute in Canada, while increased regional coordination and collaboration should be considered.
The JTI was established in 1997 to design, develop, organize, co-ordinate and conduct training programmes for personnel employed in the public and private sector that serve the justice system.
Programmes are offered in legal administration, criminal justice, supervisory management, customer service, computer applications, court reporting and accounting principles among others.

Last Updated: June 14, 2007

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