JTA Credit Union Awards Bursaries to Outstanding GSAT Students
By: July 28, 2014 ,The Key Point:
The Facts
- The cheques were presented to 19 children of credit union members from across the island, during an awards function on July 25 at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston.
- Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna, who was guest speaker at the event, told recipients to continue to excel and to make the best use of their high school years.
The Full Story
Students, who excelled in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), have been awarded bursaries, valued at $400,000, by the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) Co-operative Credit Union.
The cheques were presented to 19 children of credit union members from across the island, during an awards function on July 25 at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston.
Director of the credit union, Karen Hewett-Kennedy, said this is the fourth year since the company has been issuing bursaries to assist members to send their children to high school.
Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna, who was guest speaker at the event, told recipients to continue to excel and to make the best use of their high school years.
“When you go to high school don’t loaf it out, don’t waste it out,” she advised the students, and reminded them that their parents made huge sacrifices and invested in them to ensure their success.
She further implored them not to bend to peer pressure and to remain focused, as they begin to socialise with new people and build friendships.
“You have to say grounded, because the lessons in life that you are going to learn in high school is not only about doing well in Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), it’s making friends and being able to hold your ground and not to get side-tracked,” she said.
The Minister told the students they are going into high school during one of the best periods in Jamaica where conditions have been improving for children.
She noted for instance, that there are more high school placements, more opportunities for young people in training and development, and legislation has been passed for child protection.
Ms. Hanna further advised the awardees to get involved in extra curricular activities in high school, noting that employers around the world are not only looking for excellence in academics, but are seeking persons who are engaged, determined, insightful and curious, because they want those people to grow their companies.
For the first time this year, in addition to awarding a bursary to a recipient in each of the 14 parishes, the credit union issued five additional bursaries to outstanding students.