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JSIF Funds Water Supply Projects in Portland

December 17, 2004

The Full Story

The Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) on Wednesday signed two contracts valued at $24 million, for the rehabilitation of two water supply systems in the parish of Portland.
Of the amount, $15 million will go towards the repair of the Bybrook water system, which was damaged during flood rains last year, while the Bellevue domestic water supply, which was destroyed by Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, would be restored at a cost of $9 million. Bybrook is located in Western Portland with adjoining communities being Ann’s Delight, Skibo, Chepstowe and Chovey, while Bellevue is situated in the Rio Grande Valley area of Eastern Portland.
Work on both projects will begin in January and funding will be provided by the European Union. The duration of the Bellevue project will be four months while work on the Bybrook system should be completed within six months.
Over 600 residents are expected to benefit from the Bellevue system, which should receive a steady supply of water from the Lime Spring, located about two kilometres south of the community.
The work to be carried out will include the construction of a small cobblestone dam and a tank, providing chlorination and filtrating systems, and the laying of 6,700 metres of pipelines.
Grace-Ann Miller, Human Resource Manager at JSIF, said the organization was cognizant of the importance of water to national development and had spent more than $126 million on various initiatives to improve citizens’ access to the resource.
She noted that this amount had funded the construction, upgrading or rehabilitation of the water supply systems serving 33 communities throughout the country, including seven in Portland at a cost of $19 million.
Miss Miller noted that JSIF was pleased to be associated with any initiative, which was aimed at improving the lives of citizens.

Last Updated: December 17, 2004

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