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JP Made Honorary Member of JCF

By: , April 17, 2014

The Key Point:

Justice of the Peace, George Williams, has been accorded honorary membership in the JCF, by Police Commissioner, Owen Ellington, for his commitment to community policing.
JP Made Honorary Member of JCF
Photo: Garfield Angus
Justice of the Peace (JP), George Williams (centre), gets assistance from Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Michael Smith (left), in fitting a blazer from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), in recognition of his community service at the Rockfort Police Station, in Kingston. Looking is Commissioner of Police, Owen Ellington (right). Occasion was the graduation of new police recruits, held on April 16, at the Jamaica Police Academy, in St. Catherine, where Mr. Williams was accorded honorary membership in the JCF.

The Facts

  • The honour was bestowed on the JP on April 16, at the Jamaica Police Academy, in St. Catherine, where 195 new members were added to the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
  • The JCF will be recognizing other JPs across the island, and will put in train a system where they become a formalized unit at all the stations.

The Full Story

Justice of the Peace (JP), George Williams, has been accorded honorary membership in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), by Police Commissioner, Owen Ellington, for his commitment to community policing.

The honour was bestowed on the JP on April 16, at the Jamaica Police Academy, in St. Catherine, where 195 new members were added to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), at a passing out parade.

Mr. Williams, who is from Kingston, is now residing in Portland, but each Tuesday, from as early as 8:00 a.m., he takes up duties at the Rockfort  Police Station. On a recent visit to the station by the Commissioner, he thought Mr. Williams was only there to obtain some sort of service.

After enquiring of the JP, whether he was getting through, the JCF Head discovered that Mr. Williams was a feature at the station, as an Inspector told him that the citizens call the station every Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m., to ask if ‘Justice’ is there.

“They really depend a lot on the service of the Justice of the Peace. He (Williams) has offered to script out for me the tasks that he performs for the police station,” the Commissioner said.

He pointed out that the JCF will be recognizing other JPs across the island, and will put in train a system where they become a formalized unit at all the stations.

The Commissioner explained that JPs assist with the granting of bails, and other critical functions that the police perform. “If there are vulnerable witnesses who are to give statements to the police, they need to be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, or an attorney,” he added.

“A Justice of the Peace ensures that the police treat everybody with respect; and shields the police against unfounded allegations, because the Justice of the Peace is right there to ensure full compliance with the law, and how police deal with citizens,” the Commissioner said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Williams said he is a firm believer in good police interaction with citizens, and the award has strengthened his commitment to serve.

“I feel good to represent the people of Jamaica in the security system, and we believe in community policing,” he said.

Last Updated: April 17, 2014

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