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Jobseekers Connected To Positions Available In Global Services Sector

By: , June 25, 2021
Jobseekers Connected To Positions Available In Global Services Sector
State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Robert Morgan. (File Photo)

The Full Story

Jobseekers have been connected to the more than 4,000 entry and mid-level positions available in a variety of  areas in the global services sector (GSS), through its Virtual Talent Hub Fair, held on Thursday  (June 24).

These jobs include finance and banking, accounting, insurance, legal, human resource and recruiting, training, risk management, customer service, information technology, sales and technical support.

The fair targeted college, tertiary and vocational institute graduates/final year students; upper-level secondary-school students, jobseekers and individuals interested in learning more about the GSS.

State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Robert Morgan, who participated in the opening ceremony, lauded the initiative.

He pointed out that the Ministry is working to retool the education system to develop a highly skilled labour force to compete in the global space for jobs of the future.

“We have been very aggressive and very positive in trying to realign the education system, so it is fit for purpose and can supply the necessary human resources that we need to take our country to the next level globally as well as providing the necessary services locally,” the State Minister said.

Meanwhile, President of JAMPRO, Diane Edwards, said the agency is seeking to roll out the Digital Skills Curriculum in secondary schools, in its continued drive to equip young persons with the foundation to learn more about the GSS working environment.

“This is really looking at how do we equip people with knowledge of how to start their digital careers. This is really equipping them with the knowledge base they need to get them into this global services sector,” she said.

Hosted by JAMPRO, under the GSS Jamaica Project, the inaugural GSS Virtual Talent Hub Fair provided an opportunity for candidates to visit bespoke booths of various GSS firms and other exhibitors, submit applications for job listings on the company Job Boards, and interact directly with recruiters/company representatives.

It also allowed candidates to participate in discussions on current and emerging trends in the global labour market.

The virtual event featured four industry outlook discussions with experts on various career opportunities available to tertiary graduates in shared services and knowledge process outsourcing.

It also featured youth discussions with young professionals on their experiences working in the GSS.

The five-year GSS Jamaica Project is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It aims to provide Jamaicans with access to training and better jobs in the global services sector, specifically knowledge process outsourcing, information technology outsourcing and business process outsourcing.

A major objective of the project is to improve the skills development system to provide the GSS with highly skilled workers in higher, value-added jobs, thereby strengthening Jamaica’s capacity to attract investments and increase exports.

The Project is supported by major stakeholders, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, the HEART/NSTA Trust and the Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ).

The Talent Hub Fair was held under the theme ‘Let’s Talk Skills, Jobs, and Opportunities in the GSS’.

Last Updated: June 25, 2021

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