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JIS to Join Schools in Celebrating Career Day

March 17, 2010

The Full Story

The Jamaica Information Service (JIS), in keeping with its corporate social responsibility, will be visiting a number of schools islandwide to participate in their annual Career Day and Expositions.
Acting Special Projects Manager at the JIS, Latoya Crossman, disclosed that already four schools have been confirmed, and requests keep pouring in.
“As the Government’s information Agency, it is imperative that we capitalise on the opportunity to visit these schools on their Career Days, to play our part in transforming the lives of the nation’s youths by providing information on career related programmes offered by the Government and various institutions,” she said
She explained that the JIS will be mounting displays at Camperdown High, Kingston on March 17; Jose Marti Technical High, St. Catherine on March 18; Morant Bay High, St. Thomas on March 26; and Tavares Gardens Primary, Kingston on April 26.
The JIS will distribute career related flyers, promote careers in the Agency, give career talks, as well as field questions on different career concerns that students may have. According to Mrs. Crossman, the other requests from schools for JIS’ participation in Career Day/Expositions and field trips are being processed.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the JIS, Donna-Marie Rowe, emphasized that the Agency will remain steadfast in its commitment to education, and the development of the nation’s youth.
“As the JIS does its bit to raise the national consciousness and promote the educational development of our citizens, especially students, it is only fitting that we capitalize on opportunities like Career Day, to start the process,” Mrs. Rowe noted.
She also pointed out that the public can rest assured that the JIS will continue to keep them informed, whether through school activities or other community events.
The JIS, the Government’s news and public relations arm, is a multifaceted information media agency which offers the full range of services – print, radio, television, graphic arts, video projection, public relations and advertising.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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