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JIS Hailed by Gov’t Communicators

By: , September 20, 2013

The Key Point:

JIS has been lauded by communicators and technocrats within the public sector
JIS Hailed by Gov’t Communicators
Minister with Responsibility for Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer (2nd right), Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Donna-Marie Rowe and Press Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister, Lincoln Robinson listen keenly to Botswana’s Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of State President, Mogomotsi Kaboeamodimo (right) as he explains the objective of the Botswana Benchmarking Programme at the Special Meeting of Government Communicators held on September 18 at the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Facts

  • JIS plays a tremendous role in ensuring the success of major events
  • With the agency’s help, the Diaspora Conference moved from 200 participants in the previous year to 800 this year

The Full Story

The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) has been lauded by communicators and technocrats within the public sector as a major institution in society providing quality, world-class information services.

At a special meeting of government communicators held on Wednesday, September 18, at the Office of the Prime Minister, Head of Corporate Communications at JAMPRO, Mark Thomas noted the JIS’ invaluable contribution to the execution of activities and major initiatives hosted by his organisation.

“The JIS has a tradition of productivity…I think of the JIS as a churning machine that can generate content at warp speed and get it out there in incredible time,” Mr. Thomas stated, adding that the agency has evolved over the years in being “far more strategic, tactical, effective and flexible in dealing with the myriad of issues that come their way.”

Mr. Thomas stated that the JIS plays a tremendous role in ensuring the success of major events, citing the last year’s inaugural Jamaica Investment Forum and the Diaspora Conference in June.

“JIS was a key partner in ensuring that these events were a success in terms of how they were covered, promoted and how information moved out of those events, not just locally but into the world,’ he highlighted.

He said that with the agency’s help, the Diaspora Conference moved from 200 participants in the previous year to 800 this year.

In commending the JIS on its professionalism and quality of output, Director of Information and Training at the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), Delmares White, noted that the agency provides excellent support in promoting and heightening awareness of major campaigns and initiatives being spearheaded by government ministries, departments and agencies.

She added that through the array of products and services that the JIS boasts, it works well in getting key messages out to the public in a cost effective manner.

“The JIS is a one-stop shop and because they are able to do everything, you find that you save time and in saving time, you are going to save money,” Miss White pointed out. She said that key to all of this is that JIS has a “very good end-product and there is a guarantee that the information will be placed in mass media that is, print, radio and television.”

While endorsing the efforts of the JIS, Director General in the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment, Dr. Carrole Guntley, stated that “JIS has the authority to speak on behalf of the government and the country and once we are going in any mode of serious national communication, the JIS will play an integral role, as it facilitates the constant information flow and getting the correct information out.”


Last Updated: September 30, 2013

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