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JIS Completes Heritage Week Schools Journey

October 14, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — A light morning shower could not stop Cross Primary and Junior High School in Clarendon from having its heritage celebration Thursday morning (October 13) on the school grounds, and the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) was there to support them.

Guidance Counsellor at the school, Joseph Thomas, spoke to the students on the National Heroes, during their morning devotion. He told them that although Jamaicans celebrate its seven heroes and heroine, “God is the hero of all heroes."

The children showcased their talents with cultural dances, and waved their individual Jamaican flags high with pride.

Chief Executive Office of the JIS, Donna-Marie Rowe, was on hand to donate a heritage package to the school’s Principal, Icylin Morgan, on behalf of the agency.

The JIS' final stop for Heritage Week was New Providence Primary School, where students decorated the school grounds with posters, drawings, artefacts and an array of Jamaican heritage displays.

Director of Production at the JIS, Enthrose Campbell, was on hand to present them with their JIS heritage package, which included a DVD, heritage posters, books on Jamaica history and flags.

Heritage packages are still available at the JIS Head Office, 58a Half Way Tree Road, for sale from $500- $1,500 till October 28.

The JIS Heritage Essay Competition 2011 is also still running, and the closing date is October 28. For more information check the JIS Heritage Essay  Application form. Sponsors include Franklyn D. Resort, Jamaica International Insurance Company Limited (JIIC), Innovative Corporate Solutions, and Royale Computers.


By Christine Ade-Gold

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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