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JIPO Helps Foster Growth and Effectiveness of CMOs

By: , October 24, 2024
JIPO Helps Foster Growth and Effectiveness of CMOs
Photo: Michael Sloley
Deputy Director/Legal Counsel at the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO), Shantal English.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) plays a crucial role in fostering the growth and effectiveness of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs), which are vital to the protection and management of intellectual property rights for creative individuals.

Deputy Director/Legal Counsel, JIPO, Shantal English, informed JIS News that the Office’s assistance includes hosting quarterly meetings with CMOs to provide updates on office activities, new laws, and regulatory changes, such as the Copyright Amendment Act 2023.

“The recent amendment has been pivotal in legitimising the operations of CMOs and enhancing their capacity to serve creators effectively,” she said.

Additionally, JIPO organises educational sessions, including a dedicated event during Intellectual Property (IP) Week each April, titled ‘Know Your Collective Management Organisations’.

This initiative aims to raise awareness about the services CMOs provide and encourage creators to register and engage with them.

“Whether you are a writer, musician, artiste, visit the Collective Management Organisation and register with them and engage in their service, because the law provides that they are legitimate to operate in Jamaica,” Ms. English said.

In keeping with one of JIPO’s key mandates, which is to engage in public education, she acknowledged that “collaboration with these organisations is vital for the sustainable development of Jamaica’s creative industries”.

There are several CMOs in Jamaica that represent various creative sectors, primarily in music and the arts.

These include the Jamaica Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers (JACAP), Jamaica Copyright Licensing Agency (JAMCOPY), and the Jamaica Music Society (JAMMS).

For more information on the CMOs, citizens can visit the JIPO website at www.jipo.gov.jm or directly access information on various CMOs through their respective sites.


Last Updated: October 24, 2024

Jamaica Information Service