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JDIP Will Put Life in the Economy – PM Golding

September 9, 2010

The Full Story

Prime Minister Bruce Golding has said that the Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme (JDIP) will have a positive spin-off by stimulating the economy. Mr. Golding was speaking at the Manchester launch of the JDIP in Christiana on September 9.
The JDIP is a five-year public works programme, funded by a loan of $36 billion secured by the Road Maintenance Fund from the Export/Import Bank of China at an interest rate of 5%. Implemented by the National Works Agency on behalf of the Fund with China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC) as contractor, the JDIP is to repair roads and bridges, train rivers, reinforce sea defences and build bridges.
The road works in Manchester will include a development road for the town of Christiana that will ease traffic congestion and allow for orderly expansion of the town.
The Prime Minister repeated that all categories of public roads are targetted for repair and rehabilitation.
Mr. Golding also acknowledged the leadership of the Minister of Finance, Audley Shaw, in managing the economy that has been severely affected by the global economic downturn. He also showed appreciation to Minister of Transport and Works, Mike Henry, for his vision in developing the JDIP and to the government and people of China for funding the project.

Last Updated: August 14, 2013

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