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JDF Ends Successful Military Exchange In London

September 3, 2007

The Full Story

The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) recently ended a successful six-week Calypso Hop military exchange in London, which saw the contingent performing ceremonial guard duties at the royal palaces.
The contingent, which included members of the Jamaica Regiment Band, won accolades for the high level of discipline, deportment, precision marching and fine musical skills displayed.
Head of the Jamaican contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Derek Robinson, said that the ceremonial duties and the presence of the band made this year’s Calypso Hop extra special.
He said the feedback and the reaction to the JDF contingent has been overwhelmingly positive with the Queen and other members of the Royal Family offering commendations.
In addition to Buckingham Palace, the JDF also performed guard duties at Windsor Castle, St. James Palace and the Tower of London.
The JDF’s presence in London this summer generated a great deal of patriotic pride among the Jamaican community, and Lt. Colonel Robinson said the men were very proud of the positive impact they made.
The UK Jamaican community showed its appreciation when the Jamaica Diaspora Movement, in conjunction with the Jamaican High Commission, hosted all 140 members of the contingent at a reception at the High Commission.
The JDF also hosted its own farewell reception at Wellington Barracks in London, during which the band performed the ceremonial Beating Retreat.
Lt. Colonel Robinson said the annual Calypso Hop exchange with the British military was an important training exchange because of the number of soldiers who take part, the traditional links that are maintained and the training facilities that are used.

Last Updated: September 3, 2007

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