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Jampro And Private Sector Sign MOU To Establish Trade Point Project

June 4, 2003

The Key Point:

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and core private sector partners, for the establishment of Jamaica Trade Point, an electronic trade facilitation system.

The Facts

  • The JAMPRO implemented system is part of the Global Trade Point Network, which links over 153 trade points in 91 countries. Coordinated by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the network links various participants in foreign trade - customs, chambers of commerce, freight forwarders, shipping and insurance companies - under one virtual roof.
  • Considered to be the country's trade facilitation portal, where exporters and importers can carry out trade related transactions online with relevant organisations in a seamless manner, Jamaica Trade Point also offers the convenience of online payment of customs duties and user fees. Apart from JAMPRO, the MOU, signed on Wednesday, June 4 at Jamaica House, embraces three Ministries a number of government and private sector entities dedicated to the promotion of trade.

The Full Story

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and core private sector partners, for the establishment of Jamaica Trade Point, an electronic trade facilitation system.
The JAMPRO implemented system is part of the Global Trade Point Network, which links over 153 trade points in 91 countries. Co-ordinated by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the network links various participants in foreign trade – customs, chambers of commerce, freight forwarders, shipping and insurance companies – under one virtual roof.
Considered to be the country’s trade facilitation portal, where exporters and importers can carry out trade related transactions online with relevant organisations in a seamless manner, Jamaica Trade Point also offers the convenience of online payment of customs duties and user fees. Apart from JAMPRO, the MOU, signed on Wednesday, June 4 at Jamaica House, embraces three Ministries a number of government and private sector entities dedicated to the promotion of trade.
Initially, the Jamaica Trade Point is to facilitate online processing of customs import and export forms (C78 and C82); the Trade Board’s applications for licenses and export certification; JAMPRO’s exporter registration system and the Shipping Association of Jamaica’s e-manifest.
In commending the establishment of the trade portal, Phillip Paulwell, Minister of Commerce, Science and Technology, said it was a part of the Government’s thrust towards e-government. “We want to see the day in Jamaica, when people can do business with the Government without having to join a line and without having to use paper,” he stated. In furtherance of the thrust towards a paperless society, Minister Paulwell assured that “very soon, we will be able to do all our transactions with the Government, especially those relating to revenue, from our homes, offices, post offices and other remote locations”. He said that his Ministry was embarking on a project with the assistance of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), to offer online services, which would coincide with the enactment of the Electronic Transactions Act, later this year.
Patricia Francis, President of JAMPRO, said the Trade Point project, had been in the making for some time. “Today, the vision has been realised and the Jamaica Trade Point is a true reflection of the modernised and enhanced business climate, of which we have all been speaking,” she stated.Mrs. Francis pointed out that the Trade Point portal would sell Jamaica and what it had to offer, while signalling to the world that the country was ready, open for business and prepared to compete at all levels. She noted further, that with all the services under one virtual roof, the Trade Point would facilitate increased efficiencies and reduce trade transaction costs.
Those signing the MOU were Dr. Paul Robertson, Minister of Development; Phillip Paulwell, Minister of Commerce, Science and Technology; Senator Deika Morrison, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and Planning; Patricia Francis, President of JAMPRO; Hector Jones Snr., Deputy Commissioner of Customs; Winston Boothe, Vice President of Finance and Corporate Services at the Port Authority of Jamaica; Harry Maragh, President of the Shipping Association of Jamaica; Lorenzo Grant, Managing Director of Fiscal Services Limited and Jean Morgan of the Trade Board.

Last Updated: July 28, 2014

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