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Jamaicans Welcome Anti-Corruption Line

February 2, 2009

The Full Story

As the Government seeks to reduce crime and better enforce law and order, Jamaicans are being called on to stamp out the “informer must dead” culture as it creates obstacles in crime fighting and leads to the sustainability of corruption.
In a Vox Pop carried out by JIS News yesterday (Jan. 30), members of the public seemed ready to take on this challenge as they applauded the government for the new 1800-CORRUPT initiative and pledged to use it.
*Marva a newspaper vendor said that she is in full support of the initiative
“I am in support of the initiative… 1800-CORRUPT is a good thing. I am on the road everyday and I think if I see something corrupt I will report it…I think the country can be better off with this new toll free line. I am urging other persons to use this line,” she said.
*John Clarke a taxi driver said that he welcomes the toll free line because very often he witnesses police officers committing acts of corruption.
“I am a taxi driver and everyday when I am on the road the police are always taking money from my colleagues…so I definitely welcome this new thing,” he asserted.
In the meantime, *Michael Parkinson a contractor said he is appalled by the high crime rate and as such welcomes anything that can help to reduce crime. He outlined that acts of corruption, even minor ones, lead to other ills such as crime.
“It is good because the crime rate shows that we must be concerned.it seems as though we are in a war. We need the police to help clear up the crime…we have to stop it…if we the citizens try to corporate with the police in anyway.that would be something good for the country and as such if I see wherein there is use for this tool free line, I am going to use it,” he added.
The anti-corruption toll free line is a partnership involving the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Crime Stoppers International, and LIME (formerly Cable and Wireless Limited).
The toll free number is intended to provide an independent, secure, and anonymous telephone line through which members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Customs Department, and the general public may relay information or intelligence on corrupt practices which members of these and other agencies may be engaged in. All calls that are made to the 1800-CORRUPT number will be sanitized, and thereafter forwarded to a dedicated point of contact within the Anti Corruption Branch.
Head of the Anti-Corruption Branch, Assistant Commissioner of Police Justine Felice at the Ministry of National Security press briefing on January 25, told reporters that the two-week old Toll Free Line has been receiving dozens of calls.
*Names changed to protect the identity of the participants.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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