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Jamaicans Must Understand Meaning of Sustainable Development – State Minister Fagan

By: , May 30, 2014

The Key Point:

State Minister Fagan says for Jamaicans to contribute to sustainable development, they need to understand what it means.
Jamaicans Must Understand Meaning of Sustainable Development – State Minister Fagan
Minister of State in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Colin Fagan, addresses the St. Ann Parish Development Committee (PDC) rebranding ceremony, held at the Couples San Souci Hotel, in White River, St. Ann, on May 29.

The Facts

  • Mr. Fagan was delivering the keynote address at a rebranding ceremony for the St. Ann Parish Development Committee (PDC).

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Colin Fagan, says for Jamaicans to contribute to sustainable development, they need to understand what it means.

He cited the definition given by the Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development) – ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ – arguing that this meaning fits well in the context of the country.

“In order to achieve this, we must balance social, economic and environmental needs when making decisions now,” the State Minister emphasized.

Mr. Fagan was delivering the keynote address at a rebranding ceremony for the St. Ann Parish Development Committee (PDC), held at the Couples San Souci Hotel, in White River, St. Ann, on May 29. The event was held under the theme: ‘Upward Mobility for St. Ann Communities’.

The State Minister said there is consensus that sustainable development is a very important tool to achieve economic growth and stability, and as such, it has to be embraced by the general public.

Mr. Fagan said while he is the first to admit that sustainable development is not easy to achieve, it has to be secured “if  want the country to be the place of choice.”

Praising the work of the St. Ann PDC since its inception in 1998, Mr. Fagan said the Government acknowledges that PDCs are critical components of the local governance and local sustainable development framework, and it is for that reason why they are provided with financial support, through a subvention.

He also called on members of the PDCs to explore viable options that will help them to finance their operations.

Meanwhile, Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay, Councillor Desmond Gilmore, said the newly elected PDC executive body had shown foresight in bringing all the partners and stakeholders together in such a forum, to discuss the future of the parish and to recommit themselves to the task of its development.

The work of the St. Ann PDC covers 55 communities, 365 districts and 9 Development Area Committees (DACs).

Last Updated: June 2, 2014

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