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Jamaica Wants to Expand Economic Relations With France

March 4, 2009

The Full Story

Prime Minister Bruce Golding says Jamaica wants to expand economic relations with France in the areas of tourism and investments in the productive sector.
He expressed this desire when he received a courtesy call this morning from the French Ambassador to Jamaica and the Bahamas, Ambassador Marc-Olivier Gendry at Jamaica House.
Mr. Golding used the opportunity to update the French Ambassador on the present state of the economy, the effects of the global economic challenges and the areas of economic focus over the next three years. These areas he said would include the expansion of the country’s water supply system, road networks, expansion of domestic agriculture to feed ourselves, education, crime reduction and health.
He commended the French government on investments already being made in the areas of road construction and a major water supply project. Mr. Golding also expressed the desire to explore some more, the opportunities available under the Economic Partnership Agreement and the role which could be played by French investors.
Ambassador Marc-Olivier Gendry expressed the French government’s desire to continue to explore and expand relations with the government of Jamaica.

Last Updated: August 28, 2013

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