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Jamaica to Participate in Commonwealth Local Gov’t Meeting

March 8, 2005

The Full Story

Jamaica will participate in the Third Commonwealth Local Government Conference Board Meeting and General Meeting in Aberdeen, Scotland, from March 14 to 19. The conference, which will be hosted by the Aberdeen City Council in partnership with the Covention of Scotland Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Executive, is being organized by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF).
Making the announcement at yesterday’s (March 7) post Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House, Information Minister, Senator Burchell Whiteman said the conference, which would be held under the theme, ‘Deepening Local Democracy’, would seek to demonstrate the importance of local democracy, the indicators, the benefits of democratic governance at the local level and ways in which it could be strengthened.
Minister of Local Government, Community Development and Sport, Portia Simpson Miller will attend, accompanied by a Corps of Ministry officials.The CLGF has over 200 members in 40 Commonwealth countries. Members include ministries with responsibility for local government, local government associations and individual local authorities.
The CLGF works to promote and strengthen democratic local governments across the Commonwealth and encourage the exchange of best practices through conferences, events, its good practice scheme, research and information and working with Commonwealth countries to support the development of democratic values and good governance.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has approved a $16.6 million contract to Florida Aquastore to acquire and install a 1.136 million litre bolted steel tank to supply the communities of Huddersfield, Mango Valley and Fellowship Hall with potable water from the Port Maria water supply system.
Senator Whiteman disclosed that the facility, which would hold some 250,000 gallons, was expected to be in place within the next six months. Also included in the works is the testing and sterilization of the new pipelines which have been laid, and the permanent reinstatement of the pipe trench.
Minister Whiteman said the move was towards ensuring a reliable supply of potable water to the communities.

Last Updated: March 8, 2005

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