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Jamaica Seeking Re-Election to IMO Council

November 25, 2009

The Full Story

Jamaica is seeking re-election to the Council of the London-based International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in category C.
The island was elected to the influential Council in 2007 and Minister of Transport and Works, the Hon. Mike Henry, has said that a second term would bolster the Government’s efforts to develop the country’s maritime industry.
“It’s very important for us. It is important for us to build on what we have achieved following our first election. We have opened up a Ship Registry office in Germany; we have opened up a Ship Registry office in Singapore. It’s important with the expansion of the ports and the new port we are building in Falmouth, and against the background of the planned Vernamfield development that will link air and sea (transportation),” Mr. Henry told JIS News.
The elections take place on Friday November 27, 2009.
The Minister is heading Jamaica’s delegation at this year’s IMO 26th Assembly in London England.
Other maritime related developments on the card, Minister Henry said, included a new Dry Dock to be built at Harbour Head, Kingston. While not going into details, he said the investment figure was in the region of US$20 million, and will involve maritime interests from Germany and other parts of the world.
The Assembly of the IMO accommodates three categories of countries on its Council. Category ‘A’ has ten states with the largest interest in providing international shipping services; Category ‘B’ consists of members with the widest interest in international seaborne trade; and Category C accommodates states with special interests in maritime transport or navigation, and whose election to the Council will ensure representation of all major geographic areas of the world.
The Council is the executive arm of the IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organisation. During the intervening periods between sessions of the Assembly, the Council performs all the functions of the Organisation.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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