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Jamaica Records 16 Cases Of COVID-19

By: , March 20, 2020
Jamaica Records 16 Cases Of COVID-19
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton (right), addresses the media at a press conference at Jamaica House, on Tuesday (March 18). With the Minister is Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Dunstan Bryan.

The Full Story

Jamaica now has sixteen (16) confirmed cases of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The latest case is a 57-year-old male with a travel history to New York. He arrived in the island on March 10 and visited his private physician on March 16. He reported having had symptoms for six days.

The necessary contact tracing is now being done.

Meanwhile, Jamaica reported its first COVID-19-related death on March 18. The deceased is a 79-year-old man, also with a travel history to New York. He also had diabetes and hypertension.

Members of the public are reminded to take the following steps, as part of efforts to stay safe:

• STAY HOME if you are ill and having fever and/or respiratory symptoms.
• Maintain a distance of at least one metre from other persons.
• Frequently perform hand hygiene by washing hands thoroughly with soap and water or using a hand sanitizer if hands are not visibly soiled.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and then discarding it.
• And resist the habit to touch your face.

Further, public gatherings and non-essential travel are discouraged.

For more information, contact the Ministry of Health & Wellness at the COVID-19 lines: 888-754-7792 and 888-ONE-LOVE (663-5683). Additional numbers to call are 876-542-5998, 876-542-6007 and 876-542-6006.

Information and updates on COVID-19 can also be found at the Ministry’s website at https://www.moh.gov.jm and social media platforms @themohwgovjm. Members of the public may also email covid19@moh.gov.jm or jacovid19facts@gmail.com.

Last Updated: March 20, 2020

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