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Jamaica Participates In the 66th Session of UN General Assembly

September 20, 2011

The Full Story

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Dr. Kenneth Baugh is set to address the 66th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, September 26.

During his presentation, Dr. Baugh will, among other issues, focus on the implementation of the global development agenda, including measures taken to eradicate poverty; the disadvantages posed by Jamaica’s middle income country status and external debt and development. He will also seek to focus on: the advancement of women and the protection of the rights of children; crime prevention and criminal justice; international drug control; illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons; international terrorism; and general and complete disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. 

While there, Dr. Baugh will also partake in several bilateral meetings.

Under the Presidency of His Excellency Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser of Qatar, the 66th session will focus on the following discussion/action points: the peaceful settlement of disputes; United Nations reform; disaster prevention and response; sustainable development and global prosperity.

In addition, it is expected that developments in the Middle East and North Africa in particular the situation in Libya, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will dominate the General Debate.  

Officially opened on 13th September, the 66th Session’s General Debate is scheduled for 21st to 30th September under the theme the role of mediation in the settlement of disputes by peaceful means.

High Level discussion on Non-Communicable Disease

Starting on Monday September 19 and continuing until Tuesday September 20, there will be a High Level meeting on the issue of non-communicable diseases. Importantly, this meeting is on the initiative of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Other high level meetings during this period include:

The High-Level Meeting on “Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, 20 September;

The High Level Meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, 22 September; and

The High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety and Security, on 22 September 2011  

There will also be the usual meetings of Foreign Ministers of the G77, CARICOM, the Commonwealth and the Rio Group.

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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