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Jamaica Has World Class ICT Industry – State Minister Robinson

By: , June 19, 2013
Jamaica Has World Class ICT Industry – State Minister Robinson
Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Julian Robinson, addresses the Business and Investment Consultation session held on Monday, June 17, as part of the Jamaica Diaspora Conference, at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, St. James.

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Julian Robinson, says that the country’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry is among the best in the world.

He said that businesses can be easily set-up without hassle and huge capital layout, as is the case with many other sectors.

“We offer free zone incentives, which are there for export-based industries, and allow you to bring down your equipment duty free. It allows for no corporate tax on your profits, and most importantly, we have high quality Jamaicans, who can work in these facilities,” he stated.

The State Minister, who was addressing a forum on opportunities in the business processing industry on Monday, June 17, as part of the 5th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, stated that the services provided by Jamaican workers are not just on par with the rest of the world “but actually, are way ahead of the world”.

“That is what has made international companies decide to invest in Jamaica. Xerox, they have 6,000 employees here in Jamaica. We have also attracted some of the major brands that have made the decision to outsource the companies here in Jamaica,” he informed.

Mr. Robinson told the delegates that Jamaica is a prime location for ICT operations, given its proximity to North America, which is the largest market for business outsourcing.

He noted also that Jamaica is an English-speaking country, and there is ease of travel to the island.

He also highlighted the improvement in the country’s telecommunication infrastructure over the past 15 years, after Government liberalised the industry.

He told the prospective investors that broadband Internet access is available right across the country, resulting from investment made by Governments and telecommunications companies.

According to Mr. Robinson, ICT provides the greatest opportunity for job creation for the country in the short-term.

“We have the people, we have the infrastructure, and we have a global market. We believe that it is a sector that can employ Jamaicans, not just at the entry level. More and more companies are looking to do high value service, which ultimately will lead to young Jamaicans developing their own solutions, developing their own applications, and using that as a basis to earn foreign exchange for themselves and the country,” he said.

Contact: Garfield L. Angus

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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