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Jamaica Forging Partnerships for the Development of Sport

By: , June 6, 2013

The Full Story

Jamaica continues to forge bi-lateral and mutually beneficial cooperation agreements that will allow the country to export technical sport expertise around the world, to assist in the development of sport and physical education.

“These kinds of partnerships have the potential for significant foreign exchange earnings, a significant part of which could be repatriated to Jamaica,” stated Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley.

She was making her contribution to the 2013/14 Sectoral Debate on Wednesday, June 5, in the House of Representatives.

She noted the work of the Sport Tourism Committee, chaired by Chris Dehring, which was established by the Office of the Prime Minister in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment.

The committee seeks to ensure full marketing and exposure of the sport component of Brand Jamaica.

Mrs. Neita Headley said Jamaica continues to benefit from strong partnerships with sporting goods manufacturers, who see the value of attaching their name to Brand Jamaica.

Mrs. Neita Headley said Jamaica continues to benefit from strong partnerships with sporting goods manufacturers, who see the value of attaching their name to Brand Jamaica.

“We have the coaches and technical experts; now we need to develop the facilities. We must make note of the fact that, for most non-winter sports, athletes from temperate climates require tropical locations for training, and we must take advantage of that fact,” she stated.

Contact: Alphea Saunders

Last Updated: July 26, 2013

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