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Jamaica Ex-Constabulary Association Fundraiser for Scholarship Programme

June 24, 2005

The Full Story

The second annual ball of the Florida chapter of the Jamaica Ex-Constabulary Association will be held tomorrow (June 25) at the Walter C. Young Centre in Pembroke Pines.
Guest speaker at the event will be Superintendent, Dr. Ivan Brown of the St. James Division of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
The first annual scholarship programme will also be awarded to two outstanding Caribbean students in the South Florida community to continue tertiary education.
The Jamaican phase of the scholarship programme was recently awarded to Hanover student, Tadisha Bent, who will attend Green Island Comprehensive High School in September of this year. Miss Bent is now attending Cove Primary.
As part of efforts to assist in restoration of Jamaican communities, the Association recently completed a mission to the Lucea area where they contributed to other projects including a facelift to the downtown Lucea Police Station (painting and repairs to the amenities) and also donated medical equipment and supplies to the Noel Holmes Hospital.In April of 2004 the members of the Association embarked on a one-week mission where they refurbished the Four Paths Police Station in Clarendon.
Some 100 members, former officers of the JCF, are enrolled in the South Florida chapter. Their objective is to provide assistance to families of officers killed in the line of duty in Jamaica, continue scholarship programmes, undertake refurbishing projects at selected police stations throughout the island as well as establish a building fund.
Those efforts are funded from ongoing fundraising and family activities held throughout the Florida communities.
Other chapters of the Jamaica Ex-Constabulary Association are located in New York and Philadelphia.

Last Updated: June 24, 2005

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