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Jamaica Benefits From Projects Funded By OAS

By: , January 29, 2019

The Key Point:

Jamaica received more than US$2.73 million from the Organization of American States (OAS) between 2016 and 2017, for 16 projects relating to energy, security, education and training.
Jamaica Benefits From Projects Funded By OAS
Photo: Michael Sloley
The exhibition, organised by the National Library, is in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the OAS, and the 50th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Ratification of the Charter of the OAS.

The Facts

  • Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., made the announcement while addressing the official launch of the OAS Travel Exhibition, on January 28, at the National Library of Jamaica, 12 East Street in Kingston.
  • The exhibition, organised by the National Library, is in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the OAS, and the 50th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Ratification of the Charter of the OAS.

The Full Story

Jamaica received more than US$2.73 million from the Organization of American States (OAS) between 2016 and 2017, for 16 projects relating to energy, security, education and training.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., made the announcement while addressing the official launch of the OAS Travel Exhibition, on January 28, at the National Library of Jamaica, 12 East Street in Kingston.

The exhibition, organised by the National Library, is in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the OAS, and the 50th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Ratification of the Charter of the OAS.

Senator Charles cited the Peckham Bamboo Pre-Processing Project, which has provided employment for many Jamaicans. He also mentioned other programmes, such as the Inter-American Teacher Education Network, the Partnerships Programme for Education and Training, and the Rowe Fund Programme, which provided finance for undergraduate studies.

“Many Jamaicans have benefited from tertiary level training through international scholarships in various fields. There have also been projects which have aided in strengthening institutions in the critical sectors of security and tourism,” Senator Charles said.

Additionally, he noted that juvenile offenders have benefited from the New Path Rehabilitation Programme, which was recently extended in Jamaica for an additional 32 months.

The State Minister lauded the recent commitment by the OAS to provide US$500,000 to assist in the country’s efforts to build resilience of Caribbean Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs), recently launched in Montego Bay.

“As we seek to build a new, improved society and economy, built around our growth agenda and pressing toward the Vision 2030 objectives, we applaud the OAS as an essential facilitator in our journey,” he said.

Over the years, he said that Jamaica has participated in various discussions held within the ambit of the OAS, “to ensure that our voice as a small island developing state is heard on issues of common interests, including Hemispheric Security; the Sustainable Development Agenda; Climate Change and Disaster Mitigation; Human Rights and Governance and the Rule of Law.”

He applauded the efforts being made to heighten local awareness of the work and worth of the OAS.

“I am extremely pleased, in this regard, that the exhibition will travel throughout the length and breadth of the island and not be confined only to the Corporate Area,” he added.

The exhibition will be taken to various libraries, schools and tertiary institutions across the island.

Last Updated: February 12, 2020

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