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Inner City Communities to Benefit from GOJ/EU Summer CAMPS

August 13, 2010

The Full Story

Hundreds of young people from five inner city communities in Kingston should benefit from summer camps in their neighborhoods, under a contract signed at the Ministry of National Security on Thursday August 12.
The contract, valued at $2.5 million, is being funded by the Poverty Reduction Programme II (PRP II), a joint initiative of the European Union (EU), through its 10th European Development Fund, and the Government of Jamaica.
The community-based bodies which will benefit from the camps are: the African Gardens Land Development Limited, August Town; the Fletchers Land Management Benevolent Society; the Trench Town Development Association; the Waterhouse Community Development Benevolent Society; and the Hope for Children Development Company.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, Dianne McIntosh (second right) in discussions with Chairman of the Fletcher’s Land Management Benevolent Society, Carlton Powell (right), President of the Waterhouse Community Development Committee, Angela Gordon-Simms (second left) and Chairman of the African Gardens Land Development Limited, Robert Campbell, during the signing of a contract for the hosting of summer camps in five inner city communities in Kingston, at the Ministry of National Security on Thursday (August 12). The other recipients are: Trench Town Development Association and the Hope for Children Development Company. The camps will take place over a one month period starting August 16 and ending mid September. They are designed to help young people successfully navigate issues faced on a daily basis. Topics to be discussed during the camp include: life skills, violence prevention, peace management and career counseling.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, Dianne McIntosh, said that emphasis should always be placed on initiatives to motivate and uplift young people in various circles.
“I am very impressed with the activities that will be undertaken at the camps by our five different organizations. We can’t underscore enough the need to have these types of activities, the need to be constantly working through conflict resolution, the need to be constantly providing opportunities or options as they (young people) move through the transition (from) youth to adulthood,” she said.
Community Action Co-ordinator, Citizen Security and Justice Programme (CSJP), Orville Simmonds, said the camps are responsible for developing their own schedule of activities. However, it is expected that the participants will have a good time while learning.
“Summer camps are one of those post-conflict programmes that we would want to encourage, as during the summer holidays there are a number of young persons who are unattached and disengaged.,” he said, noting that three of the camps are located in West Kingston.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, Dianne McIntosh (seated right), and Chairman of the African Gardens Land Development Limited, Robert Campbell (seated left), sign contracts for five inner city youth summer camps at the Ministry of National Security in Kingston on Thursday (August 12). Witnessing the signing from left are: Secretary, African Gardens Land Development Limited, Dorothy Price Maitland; Community Action Officer, Citizen Security and Justice Programme (CSJP), Angella Harris; and Programme Manager, CSJP, Simeon Robinson. The camps are designed to help young people successfully navigate daily issues.

Chairman of the Fletchers Land Management Benevolent Society, Carlton Powell, was delighted with the undertaking, adding that “whatever can be done to in order to improve the lives of our community people, we are really grateful.”
He noted that even though the camp will be a “short one” it will benefit young people within the communities, adding that one of the essential components is conflict resolution.
Chairman of the African Gardens Land Development Limited, Robert Campbell, noted that the camp will assist in reducing the number of children on the streets during the summer.
“We have an educational component as well, and also we will widen their experience by taking them on a tour,” he added.
The camps will take place over a one month period, starting August 16 and ending by mid-September. They are designed to help young people successfully navigate issues on a daily basis. Topics to be discussed include life skills, violence prevention, peace management and career counseling.
CSJP is a multi-faceted crime and violence prevention initiative focusing on building community safety and security. The programme provides crime prevention services to 27 inner city communities.

Last Updated: August 14, 2013

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