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Graduates Get a LIFT

October 6, 2023
Graduates Get a LIFT
Photo: Stock

The Full Story

The synergy among the Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Education and Youth and the HEART/NSTA Trust has created a pathway to long-term opportunities for employment and social integration for the country’s high school graduates.

The Learning and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme, launched in August 2023, aims to equip students exiting fifth and sixth forms with the skills and mindset needed to properly assimilate into the workforce.

Participants will be provided with training to improve their abilities and will be placed in workspaces that are well suited to their competencies.

LIFT will engage 500 graduates each year, over a five-year span.


Participants will go through three phases during the LIFT programme:

  1. Recruitment and orientation
  2. Engagement and training – eight weeks
  3. Immersion – one-year job placement

Participants will receive a monthly stipend, some of which will be placed in a compulsory savings account. During the programme, participants will be assisted with obtaining a bank account along with a Tax Registration Number (TRN), National Insurance Scheme (NIS) number and driver’s licence.


The programme seeks to offer social preparedness to youth beyond high school. Special emphasis will be placed on those who have finished the Sixth Form Pathways programme. Successful candidates must:

  • Be 17 years or older
  • Have graduated high school within the last year
  • Have at least three CXC subjects, including mathematics and English
  • Provide two character references
  • Submit a Birth Certificate and two passport-sized photos
  • Demonstrate financial need


How to apply

Download the application form on the HEART/NSTA Trust’s website. Completed forms must be submitted to the constituency office in the applicant’s community or parish. At least eight applicants will be selected from each constituency.

For additional information, contact:

Address: 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5
Phone: 876-994-3278
Email: info@heart-nta.org
Website: www.heart-nsta.org
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok: @heartnstatrust

Last Updated: March 8, 2024

Jamaica Information Service