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Get the Facts – Malicious Communication

July 27, 2018
Get the Facts – Malicious Communication

The Full Story

Any offensive communication sent to an individual with the intent to cause harm and slander is referred to as Malicious Communication.

Examples include: internet trolling, publishing and distributing obscene writings, drawings and photographs and making devices or data available to communicate in an offensive manner.

In Jamaica persons who are affected can seek redress as they are protected by the various laws, specifically Section 9 of the Cybercrimes Act of 2015. The Act provides for the conviction, payment of fines or imprisonment up to twenty years for the offender.

Offences that are liable for conviction include:

• Possession of a computer that was used to send obscene material
• Threatening or menacing information
• Distributing defamatory material
• If the information that was sent can incite harm or harassment for an individual or property

To lessen the incidence of a Malicious Communication complaint individuals must exercise care in the direct or indirect acceptance of malicious communication. They should refrain from participating in the creation or distribution of information that is likely to cause harm and distress for others both online and offline.

For additional information contact:

Office of the Director of Public Prosecution
P.O. Box 633, Kingston, Jamaica
Telephone Numbers: (876) 922-6321-5
Fax: (876) 922-4318
Email: dpp@moj.gov.jm

Last Updated: July 31, 2018

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