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Information Minister Lauds NCU

By: , October 24, 2014

The Key Point:

Minister of Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer, has lauded the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) for continuing to produce high academic achievers, who have made their mark worldwide.
Information Minister Lauds NCU
Minister of Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer (right), having a light discussion with President of the Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Dr. Trevor Gardner (left), prior to the start of the institution’s Honours Convocation ceremony on October 23, at its location in Mandeville, Manchester. Looking on at centre is the university’s Vice President for Academic Administration, Dr. Marilyn Anderson.

The Facts

  • The Minister was speaking on Thursday, October 23, at the Honours Convocation ceremony of NCU, held in Mandeville, Manchester.
  • Describing NCU as a “bright spot” on the region’s tertiary landscape, Senator Falconer praised the institution on transforming itself into a world class university and for upholding a culture of excellence through its Honours programme.

The Full Story

Minister of Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer, has lauded the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) for continuing to produce high academic achievers, who have made their mark worldwide.

“Grounded in Christian values, NCU has developed and expanded its reach at an extraordinary rate.  Its graduates, well equipped in various disciplines, are to be found making productive contributions here in Jamaica, throughout the Caribbean and the world,” she said.

The Minister was speaking on Thursday, October 23, at the Honours Convocation ceremony of NCU, held in Mandeville, Manchester.

Describing NCU as a “bright spot” on the region’s tertiary landscape, Senator Falconer praised the institution on transforming itself into a world class university and for upholding a culture of excellence through its Honours programme.

She said the university is “setting the right example” in encouraging high educational attainment among its students, who must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of  between 3.0  and  4.0 to make the Honours/Dean’s list.

The students should also demonstrate loyalty to the university and its standards, and exemplary citizenship.

“When I consider the level of performance that has to be maintained by NCU students to qualify for these honours, I know you have the elements for your success.

You have shown your mettle, you have distinguished yourselves and made your university proud,” she said.

The Minister, who was guest speaker at the event, encouraged the awardees to apply the principles of success instilled by the university to their personal, family and professional lives, as well as the mammoth task of community and nation building.

She further charged them never let their standards fall, and that they “must stand out and be the change agents who will take us from what is deficient about us to harnessing the positive forces of influence to make Jamaica even better.”

Senator Falconer congratulated the honourees for their “praiseworthy and extraordinary achievements,” reminding that achieving the extraordinary is not a “one and only” accomplishment, but a habit developed and sustained over time.

“To achieve the extraordinary, you must be open-minded and deliberate. Never impose limitations on yourself or allow others to do so by telling you what you can or cannot achieve.  The only limitation you have is that which is created by you,” she said.

She pointed to self-mastery; an innovative mindset; communication; and teamwork, as four of the abiding principles which are usually followed by those who achieve the extraordinary, and expressed the hope that the awardees will also apply this formula to their lives.

“I look forward to game-changing contributions to nation building from all of you recognised in this special way, and from those whose lives will be inspired by your achievements,” Senator Falconer said.

The NCU stages the Honours Convocation function every year to recognise students who have excelled academically. For academic year 2013 – 2014, a total of 730 students were honoured.

Last Updated: October 24, 2014

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